I called Respironics and they gave the speech about BPA's not being toxic to the human body and that they follow FDA guidelines. Well, CPAP tubing and some masks are made with BPA's and toxic epoxy glues. What I'm wondering about is, could this be an inflammatory reaction to the BPA's in the tubing/reservoir/mask? I've had genomics testing and have been told I have a strong sensitivity to BPA plastics and that only a small amount will build up in my system, and my liver doesn't process it well, so to avoid it. I also have never felt rested with CPAP even though they say I'm down to 3 episodes an hour (from 17). I hadn't had this lung pain before CPAP machine. I have been diagnosed with Asthma since I got my CPAP (Respironics, Wisp nasal mask, set at 5-12) 2 years ago. It lasts all day long, does not resolve after a few minutes of waking like it does for some of you. My chest pain feels like lung / breathing pain. Love my CPAP and cant imagine sleeping without it. Makes me realize that it's important to use fresh equipment and clean everything periodically. Just wanted to share my experience in case it helps someone with the same issue. I got a fresh new mask and the problem went away! The blockage was preventing me from exhaling correctly and putting a lot of pressure on my chest muscles. This mesh had gotten clogged with lanolin - which I use to get a better seal with the nasal pillows. It turned out that my mask (Airfit p10) has a plastic mesh area that is supposed to allow pressure release when exhaling.

I've also been waking up with shortness of breath and chest pain. I could breathe fine normally, but the moment I put on my mask I felt like I was suffocating, even though the air was blowing through the mask. Felt compelled to reply if anyone else is suffering from this.

I was having the same issue with chest pain and feeling of suffocation but solved the issue by replacing my mask. Possible solution to chest pain and suffocating feeling You may be turning your face and neck during your sleep, thus leaving your torso behind, and causing the muscle pain.Įxperiment with your sleeping position - and ask your spouse to help if necessary. Many of us do sleep on our backs with our chin pointing up in the air. I would also suggest that you think about your sleeping position. However, if it conitunes more than a couple of weeks, do say something to your doctor. The muscle soreness goes away just like it does with exercising other muscles. Remember that the CPAP machine is pushing air into areas of your chest that have not expanded in a long time. If you are ok, your CPAP lung pain is in fact the muscle pain, or muscle strain. Only having the fear in your mind, or asking " What if?" can make your heart beat faster, which rather compounds the problem rather than solves it! Please be reassured by your doctor that your lung problems is not heart related, or other serious issues. He knows your medical history, family history, he will check your blood pressure, listen to your chest, and may even test you with an ECG. So, to clear some worries that you might have with CPAP lung pain, you should visit your family doctor. It's very easy to associate chest pain with a heart problem as the media keep informing us that severe chest pain is a sign that you need to get yourself checked up.

Some CPAP users panic about this pain in the lungs or back, and think they have kidney or heart problems, even heart attack. With your Resmed S9, you should recover faster, because the machine has the Easy-Breathe expiratory pressure relief (EPR) which dynamically adjust the pressure for maximum comfort. This muscle soreness and pain should go away with time.

It's muscle pain from chest muscles getting use to exhaling against the pressure. In general, when people notice what they think is lung pain from CPAP, it isn't lung pain at all. Lots of CPAP users complain about lung and chest pain, especially in the first few weeks of treatment for sleep apnea. I use a ResMed S9 machine which is sooo quiet and has the added humidifer on side, it is an autoset machine too.
The pain goes away within a few minutes after taking off my cpap full face mask.īut I have to wonder is that normal? Is it dangerous? Some mornings when I wake up my lungs actually hurt.